Sunday, May 11, 2008

photo 72

Happy Mother's Day to me...

I heart Bath Junkie.

I also heart that one opened up in the shopping center behind my house.

I heart, heart, heart that my little family gives me a "filler up bag" for Mother's Day each year.

If you haven't visited Bath Junkie, you should.

You see those little bottles?

Well, you take them to bATH JuNKiE, and you decide what you would like in them.

Me? that round jar, I will have exfoliating body scrub. In the silver spray bottle, body spray. I'm thinking the other two bottles will be a lotion and either a shower gel or bubble bath.

After those tough choices are made, you choose from a few hundred scents, or make your own. Next, you choose which color you'd like your bath stuff to be. Finally, you sit on a cute stool and watch the little lady mix up your custom beauty potions.

Good stuff.

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