Wednesday, April 2, 2008

photo 33

We were worried that Chloe would be timid and unwilling to spar when the time came.

We were so wrong.

She totally kicks booty. A few times, she has even chased the other kid around the mat.

Seriously, karate has been wonderful for her. She has become more coordinated and willing to try new things. It has also boosted her confidence and self-esteem.

We love watching her spar...but we are also thankful that one of the karate creeds states : "I promise not to misuse what I learn in karate".

1 comment:

Renee Camacho said...

I wish the boys would have kept it up...seriously. They enjoyed it. I should have pushed them to do it, I guess...suffering the 2 totally different schedules on 4 different days...probably should have!

Glad she has something like that...that's perfect for her!