Wednesday, April 23, 2008

photo 54

My OCD is in over drive. This trip has crept up on me.

You know how when you live close to church or work and your always late because you think you have plenty of time...
Well...this trip is kind of like that. We have been planning it since October, and it has always been this far off thing. "Plenty of time to plan and list, etc". Then, last week, as I was collecting the final payments from the rest of the people hit me...we leave in ONE week.
My insomnia is terrible, I wake up in the middle of the night with something new to add to my lists, I dream about lists, my lists have lists...
Currently I have lists for: things to do before the trip, things to buy before the trip for the trip, things to buy for the kids (shoes, etc), groceries for the sitter, schedule for the sitter (school, church, karate, gymnastics, tennis), lists of things that go with the schedule (karate bag, leotards, tennis paraphernalia, lunches, etc), things to pack, people to call, etc.


Renee Camacho said...

That's great - lists about the lists
Yep - it's in overdrive!

Tammy Batson said...

bless your heart ... my head is spinning just THINKING about what all you are having to think about right now! special prayers for you!