Friday, April 11, 2008

photo 42

I know that the Earth needs the rain. I know.

But I need sunshine, light, natural Vitamin D.

What about my needs?

I've always wanted to say that.

Really, I am fine with the rain. I mostly love the rain. What I do not love is the muddy patch in my back yard. I also do not love to take Winston out to potty in the rain.
He, however, loves to go potty in the rain. And, he loves to walk through the muddy patch, and he loves to run down the sidewalk licking puddles of water while I chase after him in my robe.

1 comment:

Renee Camacho said...

HA - I can just see that. Olivia only does that on sunnnnny days when everyone in the neighborhood is out and can see me running after her screaming her name.