Tuesday, April 22, 2008

photo 53

This is a picture of Cammie, age 4, tying the shoe laces of an 8 year old girl in our Brownie troop.

About 6 months ago, Cammie and I got into one of those morning-rush-power-stuggles. She insisted on tying her own shoes...despite the fact that I insisted that she didn't know how, and that she was making us later than we already were by insisting that she could.

Sometimes, you have to choose your battles. So, I said "FINE. Tie your shoes". All the while knowing that I would have a better chance of tying them once we were at school.

Imagine my surprise when she announced triumphantly "all done", and I looked over to see that she had tied them perfectly. When I asked her who taught her how to tie, she said "no one, I taught myself".

Of course I asked everyone, her brother and one sister that can tie (Chloe and Sophie can't tie), her teacher, her Sunday School teacher, friends, etc. Nope, no one taught her...she taught herself.
Smarty pants.


Renee Camacho said...

Love this! That's just fabulous she's doing this and definitely shows that she's one smart cookie!

Jennifer said...

She is very smart! I love this girl.. I love her attitude the most!